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Apex Legends™ review

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Apex Legends™ review

Apex Legends, launched in 2019, has considerably redefined the battle royale genre, adding a unique twist to the familiar gameplay structure. The game's innovative movement mechanics, versatile Legend abilities, and fast-paced matches make it an exhilarating experience. This review aims to delve into the various aspects of the game, including its gameplay, graphics, and features that make it stand out from the pack.

Gameplay Dynamics

One of the most exciting aspects of Apex Legends is the inclusion of 16 unique Legends. These characters come with a wide array of special abilities that can be leveraged based on your playing style. The synergy created by these characters on a three-person team is truly a sight to behold. The game manages to balance the power level of each character, ensuring that a victory is not merely dependent on the Legend's abilities but also on the player's skill.

Graphics and Universe

Apex Legends is set in the immersive world of developer Respawn's Titanfall series, with intriguing backstories for its Legends and a well-woven narrative that progresses with each major event. The game's graphics are nothing short of stunning, especially on the Olympus map, which is the most visually impressive of the three maps available.

Weapons and Armor System

The game boasts an extensive suite of futuristic weapons that test your aim more than your luck. The variety of sniper rifles, SMGs, and shotguns is impressive, and the gun attachments offer a chance to personalize weapons to a player's liking. The armor system, with its evolving shield tiers, is another commendable feature. The concept of leveling up your shield by inflicting damage on enemies makes fights more rewarding.

Ranked Mode and Server Consistency

Apex Legends also offers a ranked mode, which, despite the inherent randomness of loot drops in a battle royale, manages to pair players with those of similar skill levels. However, server consistency poses a significant challenge, with ping fluctuations often affecting gameplay and leading to frustrating experiences, especially during competitive matches.

Limited-Time Modes

Apex Legends also offers a variety of limited-time modes that keep the gameplay fresh and exciting. These modes, though not strictly battle royale, add an enjoyable multiplayer aspect to the game.


  • Unique character abilities enhance gameplay dynamics;
  • Stunning graphics and an immersive universe;
  • Extensive suite of weapons and innovative armor system;
  • Variety of limited-time modes;


  • Server consistency issues affecting gameplay;
  • Some recurring audio bugs;


Despite some minor hiccups, Apex Legends manages to offer a competitive and fun gaming experience. The game's innovative features, coupled with its stunning graphics and immersive universe, make it a top choice for battle royale enthusiasts. The thrill of teaming up with friends, experimenting with different Legend abilities, and striving for the Champion win screen makes Apex Legends a truly unique experience. Although improvements in server consistency are needed, the overall experience is highly satisfying and easily keeps you coming back for more.



Despite some minor hiccups, Apex Legends manages to offer a competitive and fun gaming experience. The game's innovative features, coupled with its stunning graphics and immersive universe, make it a top choice for battle royale enthusiasts. The thrill of teaming up with friends, experimenting with different Legend abilities, and striving for the Champion win screen makes Apex Legends a truly unique experience. Although improvements in server consistency are needed, the overall experience is highly satisfying and easily keeps you coming back for more.